Diaspora Development of Djarkpanga, Togo (DDDT) was founded in 2013. It was established to prevent and relieve poverty, and advance the educational outcomes of a wide range of citizens in the Djarkpanga region of Togo. The word ‘Diaspora’ means expatriate (or ex-pat) and the diaspora works with all expatriates now living around the world to prevent and relieve poverty in their home country. The diaspora provides training for potential teachers and improves school facilities, including school buildings and resources. They provide opportunities through sports and other activities for all people to engage and participate. Supporting both social and economic efforts, they aim to improve the lives of all Togolese citizens. The diaspora’s goal is to help the population of Djarkpanga leave poverty by providing them with the tools and resources to be able to eat three times a day, to be able to take care of themselves, improve the living conditions of orphans and widows, and to help the young continue in education to provide better job prospects to end the poverty cycle.

Sponsor a Child’s Education in a Djarkpanga Community School

For just £15 per month, you can personally sponsor a child's education in DJARKPANGA, LOCATED IN THE CENTRAL REGION OF TOGO. You have the opportunity to give the gift of a meaningful and successful education; something that will stay with the child for the whole of...

Djarkpanga School Toilet Block Now Open

On the 2nd March 2024, the Committee in Djarkpanga opened a new toilet block at the Djarkpanga School in Togo. There are six schools in Djarkpanga and this is the first school to have a toilet block. The students and staff are thrilled with their new toilet...

Report from the D3 Regional Championship of the Liue Du Centreg Atakora Katanti FC DE Djarkpanga

On the 11th October 2023, the central league launched the start of the Regional D3 Championship in which the ATAKORA K.FC team participated alongside 23 other football clubs grouped in three different groups; A, B, and C. ATAKORA K. FC was housed in Group B which...

DDDT Trustees visit to Djarkpanga, Togo – August 2023

In August this year, the Diaspora arranged a visit from Derby (in the UK) to their family home region of Djarkpanga. This comprised the Trustees of DDDT, together with other family and friends. This is the first time a visit has taken place for 5 years. They flew into...

Football Match July 2023

Following on from the success of the last football tournament in December 2022, DDDT organised a football match between the A and B Teams for FC Atakora. The 'A Team' includes 11 players and the 'B Team' is formed by all the substitutes. On the 23rd July, the whole of...

DDDT Organises a Special Prayer

The DDDT organised a special prayer for the people of Djarkpanga on the 23rd July 2023. Popular guests attended the prayer visiting from various places within West Africa including Togo, Ghana, and many other West African countries. During this gathering, the guests...

DDDT responds to the urgent Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Whilst DDDT is primarily concerned with the relief of poverty and the advancement of education in Djarkpanga, Togo, the Trustees felt that they couldn’t let the opportunity pass to help the suffering victims of the devastating recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria....

A recent football tournament in Djarkpanga

As part of their work to engage the local community in social/ sporting activities, Diaspora Development of Djarkpanga Togo (DDDT), organised a football tournament in a local village on the 4th December 2022. All of the people of Djarkpanga came together to watch the...

Improving School Seating

The schoolchildren in Djarkpanga are one of our highest priorities for providing help. We are doing everything possible to improve the quality of resources they are able to access in school. Basic items, that are taken for granted in the West, are seriously lacking in...

DDDT achieves Charity status

Following a significant amount of work, the Trustees of DDDT would like to announce that they have successfully achieved Registered Charity Status (1200207) in England & Wales. This takes the form of a CIO (Charity Incorporated Organisation) Foundation Model and...

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School Toilet Blocks Built in Djarkpanga, Togo

What was the Problem? The schools in Djarkpanga have no toilets for the children and teachers to use. Children have to go to neighboring houses or head back home to use the toilets which is really disruptive to their learning. How did DDDT Help? DDDT donated £4,000 to...

The Donation of School Equipment

What was the Problem? The school children of Djarkpanga needed new equipment to support them with their academic work for the new school year. The equipment they needed included pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers, books, and a school uniform (called kaki). We, at DDDT,...

The Provision of Food to the Adults & Children in Djarkpanga

What was the Problem? The ability of families to send their children to school in Djarkpanga is about more than education. There is no current provision in the school environment to provide food during the school day to the poorest families. This lack of basic...

The Gifts of Books & Bags to Djarkpanga Schools

What was the Problem? In the Djarkpanga local area, there are many needs for the children and young adults to improve their basic education and educational outcomes. This ranges from school buildings to ensuring every child has the ability to attend school and helping...

Read about Poverty in Djarkpanga

More than 80% of the rural population of Togo live under the global poverty line. This is certainly the case in the Djarkpanga region, where greater than 15% of this population are officially classed as undernourished. 

Read about Education in Djarkpanga

In Togo, primary education, which is free and in theory compulsory, takes 6 years to complete. Secondary schooling takes a further 6 years to complete. Facilities are sparse in far-flung rural places, such as Djarkpanga. 

Read about the Founders and Trustees of Diaspora Development of Djarkpanga, Togo

Moussouratou Damiya

Founder & Trustee

Wakibou Damiya

Founder & Trustee

Raki Memoko


Wourohakondo Daro Scharoua


Alassani Sadikou


Alassani Sadikou

Connect with us on Social Media or get in touch to find out how you can support us with improving the lives of the

Togolese people living in Djarkpanga.

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