Diaspora Development of Djarkpanga, Togo (DDDT) was founded in 2013. It was established to prevent and relieve poverty, and advance the educational outcomes of a wide range of citizens in the Djarkpanga region of Togo. The word ‘Diaspora’ means expatriate (or ex-pat) and the diaspora works with all expatriates now living around the world to prevent and relieve poverty in their home country. The diaspora provides training for potential teachers and improves school facilities, including school buildings and resources. They provide opportunities through sports and other activities for all people to engage and participate. Supporting both social and economic efforts, they aim to improve the lives of all Togolese citizens. The diaspora’s goal is to help the population of Djarkpanga leave poverty by providing them with the tools and resources to be able to eat three times a day, to be able to take care of themselves, improve the living conditions of orphans and widows, and to help the young continue in education to provide better job prospects to end the poverty cycle.
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Relieve Poverty & Improve Education

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Find Out How we Support the People of Djarkpanga
Read about Poverty in Djarkpanga
More than 80% of the rural population of Togo live under the global poverty line. This is certainly the case in the Djarkpanga region, where greater than 15% of this population are officially classed as undernourished.
Read about Education in Djarkpanga
In Togo, primary education, which is free and in theory compulsory, takes 6 years to complete. Secondary schooling takes a further 6 years to complete. Facilities are sparse in far-flung rural places, such as Djarkpanga.
Read about the Founders and Trustees of Diaspora Development of Djarkpanga, Togo
Moussouratou Damiya
Founder & Trustee

Wakibou Damiya
Founder & Trustee

Raki Memoko

Wourohakondo Daro Scharoua

Alassani Sadikou